Learn Tambour Embroidery

Tambour embroidery has a long and colorful history, winding its way from 12th century India to 19th century France and into modern times. It is easy to learn and quick to stitch, making it perfect for both historical and modern projects.

This class is suitable for beginners as well as those with some experience with traditional embroidery techniques. The focus is on designs and materials suitable for historical costuming, but all of the information applies equally to modern uses.

In this class...

You will learn the basic techniques of tambour embroidery as used in both historical and modern applications.

To begin, we'll walk through the tools and materials used in tambour embroidery. Included in this section are specific recommendations for fabrics, threads, and materials for building your own simple embroidery frames.

Lessons include basics such as how to prepare your fabric, how to start and end threads, and work the basic chain stitch. We continue on to how to turn sharp corners and create jumps and how to add color to your work. This section also covers how to plan out a stitch path through a more complex design.

The final section includes 4 embroidery designs of increasing complexity for you to use for your practice pieces. Specific suggestions are given for fabric and threads to go with each design. By the end of this section, you should feel confident moving on to other projects and designs.

Please Note: This class does NOT contain information about working with beads or sequins, since that moves beyond basic techniques.

As part of this class, you have ongoing access to the instructor through the comments section of the class as well as a private Facebook group. For those that need even more support and/or accountability, you can sign up for
monthly "Office Hours" here on Teachable. Whether you work best solo or with the additional support of peers and monthly live calls, there is an option for you!

Choose a Pricing Option

Tambour Embroidery Kits

A limited number of pocket kits and optional class kits are available on my website.